The List:
Those below who have submitted information about themselves, "then and now," are shown in blue (hyperlink). To discover what they've been doing, just click on their name and you will be taken to our Updates page. Some may be deceased, but they have been kept here lest we forget them.
Joe Acker
Bob Adams
Paul Adams
Rick Adams Jennings & Thompson, Bozell & Jacobs Ad Guy in 70's-80's
Rory Aikens
Martha Akers
Al Alarcon
Barbara Alarcon
John Alba
Ed Alexander
Howard Alexander
Dick Alexander
Chuck Allen
George Allen
Phil Allen
Chuck Alton
Grace Alvarez
Chruck Alvey, 
Brian Amada
Tom Ambrose Phoenix Suns PR guy. 
Todd Anderson
Bill Andres
Don Andrews Married Bambi Newland.
Jos Anshell
Armi Armijo
Roseanne Armijo
Ben Arnold
Jim Arnold Former Tucson DJ, TV GM, in AZ Broadcasting HOF, now owner KDRI radio Tucson
Mike Arra
Chuck Artigue
Frank Asbury
Wally Athey 
Mike Atkinson
Gary Avey
Bob Axsom
Helen Backer
Eileen Bailey
Noelle Baker
Howard Baldwin
Jim Balk
John Banks
Steve Banks Radio/TV sales executive extrordanaire.
Duane Barbano
Fran Barbano
Lee Barclay
Ron Barraclough
Ed Barry
Jan Barstad
Carol Bartholomeaux One of the best PR people anywhere See Updates
Billie Baty
John K. Baty
Marsha Baumayr
Mike Baumayr
Carol Beach
Mort Beach
Jack Beauchamp
Dana Beaudin
Debbie Bell
Bob Bell
Susan Bennett
Les Benton
Sue Berg
Aaron Berkowitz
Brad Berry
Wally Bilger
Ann Billings
Stan Bindell
Linda Bishop
Wink Blair
Jack Block
Sherwin Block Top advertising specialties guy.
Annie Bogan
Michael Bolchalk
Jana Bommersbach Writer, TV personality, local political gadfly. 
Martha Bookman
Chuck Boozer Former local jock, now in North Carolina. See Updates 
Roy Borden
Marie Borgmann
Lorraine Bourgeois
James Boyd
Rudy Bracamonte
Dick Brader
Ed Bradford Great broadcast salesman turned preacher. Now in Assembly of God state office. 
Geoffrey Brandt
Greg Brannan
Art Brooks
Betty Brown
Bing Brown
Carole Brown
John K. Browning, jr. In sales at KNIX,KMEO, & KLFF/KNOC. Now retired.
Elizabeth Bruening-Lewis
Ralph Bruneau
Charlotte Buchen
Suzy Buck
Robert Bulla
Jackie Burke
John Burr
Gary Burson
Ray Buse Best printer since Gutenberg 
Pat Bush
Judi Butterworth
Lavonne Buttram
Robert M. Byars
James Byrd
Janet Callaghan
Frank Callahan
Joe Callahan
Jean Campbell
Gina Canter
Glenn Capeloto
Pam Cardy
Rosa E. Carrillo
Pauline Carroll
Gail Castor
Lee Castor
Gary Cattel
Greg Cebulski
Adrienne Chambers
Mark Chance Former KPHO director, now runs Suns production. 
Jim Chapman
Pete Chasar
Tom Chauncey II
Bobby Chilleen
Art Christiansen
Joseph Demetrius Christopher
Martha Churchill
Tom Churchill Owned our first FM giant, KRFM.
Babe Cina
Jeanne Clark
Lloyd Clark
Jack Clifford Top TV and Cable Executive; started the Food Channel
Platt Cline
Bruce Cole Cole
Joe Cole
Marianne Cole
Tanya Collins
Bruce Colson
Paul Combs
Bonnie Conkle
Mike Conlee
Ron Conner How long has he been at Ch. 12? 35 years? Now, that's loyalty. Same sweater.
Greg Cooke Former Channel 12 news producer, then 60 Minutes segment producer.
Julie Cooke
Pat McNeela Cooke
Christopher Cookson
Bob Coombs Sold for KRUX, lately broadcast equipment specialist
Ronald Cooper
Suzi Q. Cooper
Ed Cooperstein Film fellow.
Sandy Cooperstein
Helen Cornell
Ron Costello
Robin Cote' Senior Producer/Reporter at Metro Networks/Westwood One Phoenix
Ann Courtney
Richard Covey
Ann Cox
Ray Cox Longtime marketing executive and broadcaster. Great play-by-play man.
Ron Croft Was a KUPD sales executive for over 30 years.
Dave Crone
Susan Cruz
Martha Crystall
Pat Cummins
Gary Cuthbertson Had local outdoor company, sold out, and went sailing. Now in Montana.
Kent Dana Channel 12 anchor for many years. Started in media at KTAR radio sales.
Larry Daniels KNIX program director...made millions for the Owens family.
Ira Dankberg
Rita Davenport Motivational speaker, promoter, marketing exec. '70's-80's Ch. 5 TV show. 
Robert Davies Channel 10 programming executive for many years. Terrific play-by-play guy.
George Davis
Happy Davis
Glen Davis
Bill Davis
Betty Deaver
Don Dedera One of Arizona's finest journalists. At R&G many years.
Mike Del Rosso
Rodger DeMinor
Cydney DeModica
Tom Deur
Vicky Deur
Louise DeWald
Mary Diamond
Jerry Ditzen
Carol Divich
Michael Dixon Talk show host. Great Ch. 8 fundraiser.
Bart Dobson
Dana Dobson-Tiedeman, Sr.
Roger Downey :Longtime Ch. 5 anchor.
Cathleen Downing
Hugh Downs What was the name again?
Donna Draper
Donn Dregan
Cathy Dresbach Wallace and Ladmo favorite; best local actor.
Cathy Droz
Donn Dugan
R. Kirk Dunbar
Tom Duran
Mike Durand
Bob Dyer
Tom Dynjan
Mark Early
Robert Early
Tex Earnhardt What an on the air salesman...they don't make 'em this way any more! 
Gary Edens Was GM at KOY; now owns a slew of stations and several small
countries. Click here and listen to Gary on WKIX, Raleigh, in 1964.
Suellen Edens
Bill Ehlinger
Bob Eichenburger
Karl Eller Didn't he used to have something to do with channel 12? Or billboards?
Bob Ellis
Joel English
Joyce Englund
Grace Etchen
Linda Evans
Tony Evans Famous KRIZ deejay from the 60's.
Marquita Fancher
Mike Farrell KOY announcer, now in Payson.
FAWN (On air name, current last name Caldwell) Pioneer female jock-radio & clubs.
John Fedor
Bob Feinman
Brenda Felldin
Joe Ferguson
Laurie Ficaro
Elizabeth Field
Nancy Fikes
Norma Files
Joanie Flatt
Barry Flynn
Jim Flynn
Mike Flynn
Russ Fons
Frank Foster
Ed Foster
Jerry Foster The first helicopter reporter, and the best.
Sherry Fox
Jim Fraser
Joan Fraser
Martha Fraser-Harmon
Lillian Freburger
Marvin Freeman
Muriel A. Freeman
Rob Freidman
Phil French
Robert French Sales exec with KRFM, Lindstrom & Jett
Gary Fries
Jim Fry
Wayne Fulcher
Kathleen Fulwiler Then: KOOL-Radio/TV Now: Seattle travel agent.
Louise Gacioch
Linda Gallagher Sales executive at ch. 5
Manny Garcia Man with a camera. Ch. 10 for years.
Allen Gardner
Kim Garvey
Dan Gates Legendary Tucson disc jockey
Tom Gerczynski Photography wizard.
Sandy Gibbons Nice guy, actor.
John Giese
Ginger Hutton Gilmartin Journalist longtime A&G gal. Married to Joe "Suns in six" Gilmartin.
Norman S. Ginsburg
Andres Giron
Carl Glassenhart
Trudy Glassenhart
Dorothy Glueck
Steve Glueck Broadcast exectuve
Nate Goldberg
Andrea Goldenthal
Robert Golder
Jack M. Goodman
Warren Goodrich
Bobette Gordon
Karen Gorman
W. Blair Grafe
Patty Graham
Gil Grant Was director at ch. 12 in the 70's, now big-time network producer-writer. "24" on Fox.
Michael Grant
Pat Grant
Wally Grant First radio sales, ad exec, now retired in Tucson.
Walt Gray
Jerry Gregson
Paul Grella
Tommy Griffin
Lenore Grobstein Sales executive at ch. 10.
Dee Groener
Joe Groves
Chris Gunty
Suzie Guzman
Phil Hagenah
Dave Hall Former DJ at KRIZ, KOY
Carol Halter
Doc Hamilton
Ruth Hamilton
William Hammer
Lindsey Hansen
Dan Harkins Good guy to know if you want some free movie passes.
Kitten Harmon
Barbi Harner
Ted Hasson
Deb Hastings
Dan Hawking
Roy Head
Randy Heflin
Mark Heier
Martha Heier
Norma Jean Hein
Wendy J. Helle
Linda Helser
Chuck Hemann
L. Duane Henry
Judd Herberger
John Herges
Linda Herges
Audrey Herring
Bill Herrmann
Pete Herrmann
Mark Hiegel
Mary Helen Hildebrandt
Glen Hills
Al Hillstrom Chief engineer Ch. 10
Ray Hinshaw
Bob Hirsch Our state's legendary outdoor reporter.
Tony Hirsch Sales exec at KRUX, went on to GM at WINS, New York. President of Musak.
Karen Hively
Ken Hoag
Bea Hoeksema
Harry Hofford
Nancy Hofford
Chrissy Hollaender
Dewey Hopper Legendary weatherman, now back in town. See Updates.
Twila Hopkins
Mike Horne
Steve House
Fred Huff
Mark Hughes
Del Hull
Larry T. Hunt
James Hutelmyer
Dick Ianella
Patricia Ingram
Marge Injasoulian
Dale Inman
Randy Irvine
Troy Irvine
Barbara Jackson Media director for Ken Patton.
Don Jackson
Duke Jacobs
Jan Jacobson
Jan James
Mark James
Mike Jarvis
Thom Jaster Formerly AE with Ken Patton, now runs own shop.
Alan Jeffory
Felice Jennings
Edythe Jensen Reporter for Republic and Gazette 1969-2012
Don Jerome
Bruce Johannes
Opal Johnson
Joe Jones
Mike Jones
Alice Jordan
Mike Jorgensen
Jim Joslyn
Anne Junker
Diane Kalas Host of first morning show, Today in AZ on Channel 12. Now in Flagstaff.
Frank Kalil Brought top 40 radio to Tucson, legendary KTKT disc jockey, now station broker.
Carole Kann Helped start this group. Ad exec. and printer
Carol Kannes
Bart Kanzler
Alan Kath
Sharon Kelley Formerly director at KPHO-TV. In AZ Broadcaster's Hall of Fame
Cindy Kelly Senior Automotive Account Executive, East Valley Tribune.
Jack Kelly Great Phoenix Voice in the 60's
Mary White Keltner
Jay Kemp Studio cameraman at Ch. 12.
Chuck Kemper
Karl Kennedy-Now living in Thailand.
Margaret Kent
Gary Kinsey
Mary Kirby
Bill Kirkpatrick
Becky Kistler
Gayle K. Kiviat
Jim Kleczewski
Katherine Klein
Don Kline
Ronald J. Kloss
Marlene Klotz-Collins
Pete Klute
Mike Knox
Cy Kobey
Wyn Koerper
Mel Korey
Jerry Kosowsky TV/Film producer
Buzz Kossack
Nanette Kryske
Mike Kucharo
Jo Labelle
Joan Lake
Diana Lamb
Rick Lamb
Brian Landauer
Barry Landers
Beau Lane
Diane Lane
Ed Lane Advertising agency owner.
John Lang
Marty Laurel Account executive; Owens & Assoc.
Bea Lavallee
Bill Lavidge
Kathy Lawrence
Ruth Ann Le Febvre
Bill Ledbetter
Marge Lee
Bob Lee
Bill Leverton Legendary "On The Road" series around AZ for ch. 10.
Delbert R. Lewis
Don Lincoln
William Linsman Film guy.
Lloyd Littlepage
Angie Lohman
Preston K. Long
Steve Lopez
Pete Lovegrove
Sam Lowe Journalist, former columnist Phoenix Gazette.
Clark Lowry
Tim Loy
Bill Lucas
Lynn Lucchetti Rhea Bennett's media director in the 70's.
Donald Luke
Adrienne Lynch-Chambers
Doug MacEachern
Mona Mackley
Rosemary Madden
Jean Malatha
Fran Mallace
Betty Manfredi
Moyca Manoil
Nancy Marcum Nationally acclaimed inventor of "infomercial" format. Nancy Marcum & Assoc.
Ron Mark
Susan Mark
Bee Markow
Bob Markow Founder of Markow Photography, ColorMark Labs.
Paul Markow
Larry Martel
Marie Martel
W. Steven Martin Mornings aren't the same at KNIX since he left.
Dick Martin
Sandra P. Martindale
John Matt-Gongora
Mildred F. May
Jack McAward
Robert T. McCall Internationally famous artist of space science.
Nancy McCann Traffic Mgr/Sales exec. Ch. 12 60's/70's
Steve McCann
Al McCoy Voice of the Suns over 30 years, former KRUX "Good Guy."
Jerry McElfresh
Lisa McFadden
Lois McFarland
Sandi McLaughlin
Dorothy McLean-Smith
Pat McMahon Most famous local talk show guy, now at KAZ-TV. And, of course, Gerald.
Martha McNamara
Doug McWeeney
Danny Medina
Lloyd Melton Radio sales exec, now restauranteur.
Don Merrifield
Liz Merritt
Fran Metcalf
Mary Metzger
Mary Lou Meyers
Ginny Michaelson
Cindy Middleton
Gus Miller
Steve Miller
Bill Miller Broadcast executive, former GM Channel 3.
Paul Miller Traffic Guru UPDATE
Sandy Miller
Robert Mills
Richard Mitten
Ken Moakoqir
Bruce Moody
Dick Moore
Cheri Moreno
Artie Moreno Owned billboard company. Now owns Anaheim Angels.
Rich Moret
Skip Moretti
George Morgan
John Moritz
Paul Morneau
Mary Morrison THE broadcast media queen.
Suzy Tilden-Mortimer LA/Phoenix media director.
Bill Mosely
Louie Moses
Randee Mossburg Was PD at KTVK, KASW, now Co-own COYOTE TV, Inc., Program syndication and distribution worldwide.
Robert Mott
Phil Motta Ad agency owner, but also great disc jockey, and rock group singer.
Jean Mouritsen
Jo Moyer
Rod Moyer
Ernie Mulholland
Dave Munsey
Mary Murphy
Ivan Murray
Joyce Murray
Wanda Myers
Robert Naughton
Troy Neil Motivational speaker/Broadcast sales exec.
Bob Nelson
Dana Nelson
Ruth Nelson
Bill Nichols
Ed Nicosia
Jack Nietzel
Reuben Noel
Bob Nordmeyer Disc jockey/Tucson TV weather man.
Rick Nordmeyer Back from Chicago, now Creative Director at Parker Madison.
Rita Nordmeyer
Chuck Normandin
Rolf Normann
Mike Norten
Patrick North
Stephanie Nowack
Marv Nyren
Bill O'Brien
Ray Odom, Jr.
Mary O'Hanlon TV Traffic maven, now hot PR house for movie biz.
Bruce Olson
Jack O'Reilly
Mike Osborn Phoenix ad exec; lately VP at Sun Lakes.
Kevin O'Shaughnessy
Buddy Owens
Mike Owens KNIX honcho.
Polly Palmer
Gretchen Palmerton
Curtis Pap
Nicholas Papagolos
Doug Patterson
Shay Patterson
Rosalie Pauly Don's wife. now Sales Mgr. at Fox TV in Albuquerque.
June Payne
Norm Pederson
Julian Pelzer
Barbara Pennington
Jim Perry
Ron Perryman
Sandy Petersen
Jima Peterson
Jackie Pettycrew
Penny Pfaelzer-Dean
Bill Phalen
Emma Lou Philabaum
Ed Phillips Now here's a guy more famous than the weather he forecasts.
Barbeth Shea Pinkney
Bernie Pitzel
Bob Podolsky
Bob Polk
Paul Polson
Dorothee Polson
Don Poor
Larry Popkin R&G sales exec, then SRP, now retired.
Toni Poppy
Marsha Posner-Williams
Pat Poulson Long time R &Ger.
Doris Poulson
Dave Pratt KUPD legend, now at KMLE.
Lee Prins
Glen Proffitt gproffitt@wkrn Then: "Radio hack and sales mgr., Phoenix." Now: "TV hack in Nashville."
Roland Ptak Owned ad agency.
Susan Ptak
Gail Punyko
Morrie Puzzi Kingpin of ch. 10 sales.
Lynne Pyrce
Joanne Ralston Top PR gal and even better lobbyist.
Tim Ramsey
Barbara Raynard
Pat Read
Robert Reade
Tom Reardon
Ruthann Young Reed
Dink Reed
Pat Regan
Betty Reining
Dorothy Reith
Harry Reith
Denise Resnick
Don Resnick
Julian Reveles
Lou Reynolds Ran the sales dept. at the R&G for eons.
Cherie Rhind
Douglas Richards
Hank Richter Ad guy, fine artist.
Lew Riggs 50's Phx dj, music producer, now host of Healthwise , KNXT-790, Tucson
Robert Rinehart
Steve Rizley
Alice Roberts
Chuck Roberts
Tim Roberts
Wally Roberts
John Merrill Roberts
Don Rodwell
Charlotte Rogers
Dave Rolland
Thom Romeo
Robert Rosenberg
Debra Ross
Jim Ross
Debbie Rouwenhorst
Ilana Ruber
Larry Rummel
Kevin Runbeck
Jerry Ryan
Lynn Sabo
Leo Salas
Hector Salvatierra
Jeanine Sand
Rita Sanders
Janet Sanford-Amandes
Hank Sauro
Sandy Savage-Peterson
Tom Saxter
Dan Scarpone
Kate Scheurich
Lin Schmelzer
Lee Schnebly Larry's wife.
Judy Schriener
Walt Schuch
Marie Schultz
Marissa Schwartz-Spieker
Marty Schwarzkopf
Bob Scott
Brandon Scott
Klaren Scott
Nancy Scott
Rush Scott
Phil Scudella
Elmo Sears
Jon Sebastian
Tim Sell
Alan "Spud" Shaffer Artist, creative guy, account exec., then went into the land business.
Bari Shand
Debra Sharker
Deb Sharp
Robert Shirley
Al Shiya
William Shover Top R&G PR guy, community leader.
Nancy Silverstein
Jim Silvius
Michael Skerlak
Henry Slesinger
Dale Slocum
Jim Slone Tucson radio executive and chain owner.
Martin Small
Pat Small
Dick Smith
Don Soldwedell
Wayne Spade
Bill Spain
Harry Spieker Radio TV sales executive
Tove Spofford
Frank Sprague :The famous voice.
Rich Squier
Robert Stake
Shelly Standing
Mike Stansbury Did art at Ch. 12. Now in Taos painting.
Allan Starr First a photographer, then an all around marketing guy.
Bruce Steele
Karen Stegwell
Sam Steiger Congressman, broadcaster, writer. Got heat once for shooting burro.
Elayne Stein
Gary Stevens Big time NY jock came here and ran KRIZ in the 60's.
Pam Stevenson TV show producer.
Linda Stone
Pat Stowe
Ron Stowe
Phil Strassberg
Bill Strauss
Dick Stuart
Jim Sullins Former Owens AE, now in North Carolina See Updates.
Jack Sullivan
Anthony "Tony" Sullivan Legendary Broadcaster, Longtime Tucson Greyhound Park Marketing Executive Jerry Svendsen
Duane Swanson
Sharon Swanson-Sharp
Red Symington
Marge Szegedi Longtime media maven.
Paul Talbot
Mitch Tanner
Marsh Taylor
William Teawell
Sonoma Temple
Larry Thelan
Charles Thomas
Ron Lee Thomas
Glen Thompson
Joe Thompson Sales Manager, KHAT in the 60's.
Phoebe Thompson
Victor Thorne
Jackie Thornhill
Scott Thrower Former local jock, now in Little Rock. See Updates.
Dana Tiedeman Sr.
Gail Tieken
Fred Tieken
Suzy Tildin
Ken Toney
William Toops
Bo Torrey
G. B. Totton
Ed Tracey
Ruben Trujillo
Kathy Turken
Billie Turner
Carol Turoff
Don Tutt
Dick Van Dyke Did the "New Dick Van Dyke Show" in Carefree.
Vicky Phillips Van Dyke
Charles Van Dyke One of the great voices.
Barbara Van Fleet
Marilyn Van Wagner
Carole Verschoor
Richard Vick KRUX newsman went to work for the state.
Judi Victor
Faith Viland
John Vuyovich
Judy Wade
Tal Walker
Janet Wallace
Muriel Walsh
Robert Walters
Carolyn Warner Fancy furniture store owner, State Supt. of Public Instruction, ran for governor.
Ted Warner
Mark Waters
Dick Wattier
Bob Weaver
Art Webb
Mel Weiser
Dave Weiser
Fern Welch
Roy Welch
Bob Wendall
Esther Wendel
Harry West
Mary Jo West First local female anchor, ch. 10.
Preston Westmoreland Terrific talk show host for years at KTAR radio. Now in real estate.
Charles White
Ardelle Whitehead
Barbara Wickliffe
Jerry Wiggins-Burnette
Sarah Wiggins-Burnette
Curt Williams
Keith Williams
Georgia Williams
Jack Willis KHEP radio GM and 50's-60'sTV announcer for Jack Ross Lincoln Mercury.
Judy Willis
Bennett Wilson
Carrie Wilson
Faye Wilson
Ginny Wilson
Maggie Wilson
Manya Winsted
Bob Winward
Sharon Withers
Steve Wood
Barbara Woods
Arlo Woolery
Steve Wrath
Gladys Wright
Mark Wright
Hamilton Wright TV production, first at ch. 12, then his own VIP productions.
Darlene Wyatt Phoenix movie production, now retired in Tucson.
Kathryn Young
Don Zastoupil
Bob Zimmerman KRUX National Sales Manager in the 60's, then with KMEO.
Frank Zimmerman R & G print guy, now in Oregon. See Updates.
Walter Zipf
All comments about the above persons were recollections of the webmaster or supplied by the individual. If you would like to add a few words to anybody's listing, please write. Anything longer than a few words (one line) will be put in our Updates section.