The Gang's All ...
by Brooke Andrews
Hail, hail! The gang was there to say a word and give a cheer
To Karl Eller, Pep Cooney and Jack Jacobson, too.
There's Fran Metcalf, Dink Reed and somebody new.
It was Caesar Cipolla, friend of Elmo Sears,
Who'd been with the Press Club in his formative years.
Ken Kennedy brought a Valentine from the year '52.
'Twas well before my time. How about you?
Ron Edwards from the old days at KRIZ,
Who is writing more novels. He sure is a wiz.
And off to the side, with a conspiratorial air,
McKinney, Pollack and Spero were there.
Just waiting for Ray Cox to give them the word,
That soon, once again their voices would be heard.
From back in '38, when broadcasting was new,
Elayne Stein reminisced of what she used to do.
Read comics aloud to one and to all.
Gave her good practice for when she joined Bobbie Ball.
Ray Smucker was there. Oh, so dignified he.
I'll always be grateful he OK'd hiring me!
And looking just wonderful (I gave him a kiss!)
was Bob Allingham with wife Ginger. It was too good to miss.
An old live theatre chum, Duane Henry was there.
Said he had a radio show for many a year.
Another fellow actor, Dick Alexander by name,
Scouts locations for Arizona film shorts. (He's still the same!)
And, for the first time (thanks to my invite, you know),
Don Tutt came to see us. Remember his TV show?
Two charmers were there, I loved on the spot.
I'm honored to know them, tho' before I did not.
They are Ruth & Willard Sboecraft, he of great fame.
Fifty-seven years in radio and still in the game.
A lovely, dear face hailed me from afar
It was Carole Kann calling, advertising star.
Marj Injasoulian, once with Channel 10
Was holding her own with a big bunch of men.
I saw Nate Goldberg, Wendy McDonald and Darlene Wyatt
In a part of the room that was quite far from quiet.
And, welcome once more Judd Herberger, sir.
You help support what this evening is for
My delight runneth over - my spirit to sing
I'd waited for years to see Sue and Guy King.
Hug Jim and Marquita (that's Fancher, you see)
From the years of my youth when we worked in TV
Sandy Gibbons (my hero)
and Ray Thompson
(Oh what a guy!),
with Phoebe his bride who'd a spark in her eye.
Everyone laughing and having great fun,
As we've had every April since the tradition begun.
But I and my hubby still want so much more.
Old friends, old buddies to walk through the door.
So join us this year for the best of the best.
Try it. You'll like it. It stands every test!
The Survivors Reunion the event of the year
For happiness, hugging and the occasional tear!
(Pictures to come.)